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RRBC News (Page 14)

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The Coming Day of the Lord 7/20

The other day my daughter and I were riding home from a dentist appointment.  My mind was mulling over some distant thought as we waited for the light to switch.  As we pulled away from the stop light we heard a massive train horn sound!  It was one of those sounds that immediately grabs your attention and and pulls you into high alert.  We were not anywhere near railroad tracks!  Another car had pulled an illegal turn directly in front of a lifted heavy duty pickup.  The driver took full advantage of his aftermarket train horn to get the delinquent driver’s attention and let him know his opinion.  The world of our day is living as if life as they know it will continue uninterrupted forever.

Father’s Day! / River Reach News 6/15

A few weeks ago the world marveled at the daring rescue of young child dangling from a fourth floor balcony in Paris.  The toddler seemed ready plunge at any moment to certain death.  Many stopped and cried out for help.  Others pulled out their phones and began recording.  One 22 year old man courageously jumped out of his car and daringly scaled the exterior of the building pulling the young child to safety.  Praise God for the courage and love of that man!  Whether we realize it or not, every child is dangling precariously over the pit of impending destruction! (Genesis 6:13, 17; Matthew 7:13)

Mother’s Day!

God displayed great wisdom in giving us mothers!  I don’t want to imagine a world without mothers.  Sadly God’s perfect design has been marred by the corrosive and destructive nature of sin.  The Bible’s premier picture of a godly woman is found in the last chapter of the Old Testament book of Proverbs.  Even 3000 years ago an excellent wife and mother was an extremely rare commodity (Proverbs 31:10).  Marriages and families are exceedingly enriched by women who love God and invest their lives in their families for the glory of God.