But Jesus said, “Do not hinder [the children] from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Children are a great blessing to any family and church, which we recognize here at River Reach! It is important to us that our children learn to know God and the Bible from an early age, on a level which they can easily grasp and in which they can eagerly participate.
Children’s Sunday Classes (begins with verse time at 9:25am in the main auditorium)
We currently offer two children’s Sunday classes:
- Starters (3-4 year olds)
- Primary (Kindergarten through 6th grade)
Junior Church
Junior Church is a special ministry geared for children 3 years old through the 6th grade, and meets in the fellowship hall during the 10:30am worship service. Because it is also valuable for our children to worship with their families, everyone begins the service in the main auditorium, and then the children are dismissed to Junior Church after the song service. Kids really love their time in Junior Church–singing songs, hearing a Bible lesson, earning prizes, and completing a craft related to what they have learned!