Dear River Reach Family,
Finally then, brethren, we request and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us instruction as to how you ought to walk and please God (just as you actually do walk), that you excel still more.” 1 Thessalonians 4:1
Several years ago after preaching on the vine and branches in John 15:1-11, I decided to plant two grapevines in my backyard. My goal was to develop a better understanding of Christ’s analogy of the Christian life. My grape vines have had a difficult existence. After struggling the first year to grow at all, I had to transplant the vines to a location with more sunlight. They began to grow in the new location! Now that they are growing, aphids, grasshoppers, and snails attack the leaves, yet they continue to grow! This is the first year that I have seen actual grapes maturing on the vine. Growth is God’s goal for every one of His children. We also face massive opposition to spiritual growth, but by God’s grace He promises to enable us to continue to grow more and more to be like Jesus Christ! The more we live for Christ, the more we please God with our lives. God has great plans for transforming you from sin to holiness by His grace!
Sunday Sermon: “Excel Still More!” – 1 Thessalonians 4:1-2
Family Sunday and Junior Church Party this Sunday afternoon!
Children hold a special place in the heart of our Lord (Matthew 19:14). It is our desire as a church to teach our children to love and follow Christ beginning from childhood and for the rest of their lives (2 Timothy 3:14-15). While we are thankful for children’s programs we also believe it is important for children to join with and observe their parents and other adults worshipping their Lord. This Sunday we will have our first ever Family Sunday. This Sunday the children will stay with us in the morning service. We fully understand that sitting in the service takes training and time. We know children make noise. That is ok! We are here in this together. This Sunday I think our practice will be a little closer to the experience of those in the New Testament church and that of the church in the past millennia or two!
Nursery will still be available for all service times.
Junior Church Party: 12:00-2:00pm
Following the morning service, the Powells are working to put together a fun time of lunch and activities for all the young people junior church age up through the 6th grade. A change of clothes would probably be a wise idea. Please pick your children up at the church at 2:00pm.
Foundations Class: Sunday @ 6:00pm
Assignment: Complete Chapter 9: “Holy Spirit” in the Foundations book. In our discussion, we will be covering the last section of ch. 8 and then start ch. 9.
Adult Sunday Class: A Study in Titus
Join the adults on Sunday morning at 9:25 as Brian Tuttle continues his study in Titus.
Prayer Requests:
- Peace in our nation and around the world
- Opportunities and boldness to make relationships to share the Gospel
- Those faithfully serving the Lord in the military
- River Reach Baptist Church to make reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ
- Our missionaries as they serve the Lord around the world
Upcoming Events:
- Sunday 5/20 – 9:25 – Sunday Classes (Adults and Children’s classes)
- 10:30 – Morning Worship (One Life to a Life for Life – 1 Thessalonians)
- 12:00-2:00pm Junior Church end of year party
- 6:00 – Foundations Class
- Wednesday 5/23 – 6:30pm – Prayer Service and Bible Study (1 Peter – Triumphing in Trying Times)
- Sunday 5/27 – 5:00pm Memorial Day picnic at Pastor’s house (All are invited!)
Blessed to be your Pastor!
Matthew Rowley