Making reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ

Announcements (Page 14)

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Father’s Day! / River Reach News 6/15

A few weeks ago the world marveled at the daring rescue of young child dangling from a fourth floor balcony in Paris.  The toddler seemed ready plunge at any moment to certain death.  Many stopped and cried out for help.  Others pulled out their phones and began recording.  One 22 year old man courageously jumped out of his car and daringly scaled the exterior of the building pulling the young child to safety.  Praise God for the courage and love of that man!  Whether we realize it or not, every child is dangling precariously over the pit of impending destruction! (Genesis 6:13, 17; Matthew 7:13)

Mother’s Day!

God displayed great wisdom in giving us mothers!  I don’t want to imagine a world without mothers.  Sadly God’s perfect design has been marred by the corrosive and destructive nature of sin.  The Bible’s premier picture of a godly woman is found in the last chapter of the Old Testament book of Proverbs.  Even 3000 years ago an excellent wife and mother was an extremely rare commodity (Proverbs 31:10).  Marriages and families are exceedingly enriched by women who love God and invest their lives in their families for the glory of God.

River Reach News 4/27

A few weeks ago my wife and children put soil in a new pot and planted morning glory seeds in the soil.  They all worked together to make sure the soil in the pot stayed moist.  For the first week or so there was no sign of life.  Finally one day small green shoots began to appear in the black soil.  The signs of life brought a fair amount of joy as the announcement of life rang through our home!  This joy would not have been possible if the work of planting and watering had not been performed.  We are all fairly familiar with this concept in the world of gardening, but the same is true in the spiritual realm.  In God’s design there is a joy awaiting those who are willing to put out the effort to plant and water the seed of God’s Word in the lives of other individuals.