Dear River Reach Family,
For You light my lamp;
The LORD my God illumines my darkness.
29 For by You I can run upon a troop;
And by my God I can leap over a wall.
Psalm 18:28-29
Yesterday afternoon as Duane, my boys, and I were working on mowing the church yard we saw a large cloud of smoke followed by flames leaping above the roof a building down the street. It didn’t take long for a nearby school police officer to arrive on the scene as several people dialed 911. A few minutes later fire trucks and police cars came racing down the street and the firemen extinguished the flames that had consumed most of the storage shed. We have a pretty good idea what kind of a response to expect when we report a fire to the fire department. What type of response can we expect when we call to the Lord for help in our distress? This Sunday we will look at the second half of Psalm 18 as David reports to us the kind of help the Lord sends we we cry out to Him in our distress.
Sermon: “What to Expect When God Delivers” – Psalm 18:16-50
Thank you to the men who helped clean up the church grounds!
A Wonderful Pastor’s Fellowship!
Jen and I thank the Lord for a wonderful and encouraging time of fellowship with other pastors and their wives this week in Bradenton, FL! We thank the Lord for other faithful servants of the Lord and the testimonies of God’s grace and kingdom advance even through the difficulties of the past year.
Live Streaming Links
- Live streaming to Zoom available for all services
- Morning Worship: (Passcode: 567701)
- Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: (Passcode: 567701)
Prayer Requests:
- President Biden and our government officials to have wisdom and make righteous decisions (1 Peter 2:1-3).
- Bob and Susan health struggles
- Our missionaries to be encouraged in the Lord
- Opportunities to share Christ in these uncertain times
- Spiritual growth and strength for each one in our church
- Our nation to repent and turn to God
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to Christ
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to follow Christ
In my distress I called upon the LORD,
And cried to my God for help;
He heard my voice out of His temple,
And my cry for help before Him came into His ears.Blessed to be your Pastor!
Matthew Rowley