Dear River Reach Family,
These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. 7 “You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. ”
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Barley Family with us this Sunday 2/3
The Barley’s are raising support to serve the Lord in Mexico. We look forward to hearing about their ministry burden and being encouraged by them through the Word of God.
We will have a lunch fellowship following the morning service to give additional time for fellowship with them. You may sign up to bring a food item for lunch here.
Shepherding a Child’s Heart Parenting Class begins next Sunday evening 2/10 @ 6:00pm
Details: Sunday evenings @ 6:00pm starting February 10th; 12 Sessions;
Format: DVD instruction by Tedd Tripp followed by practical discussion
Book: Shepherding a Child’s Heart – I will have a few available free of charge for those who need them. A study guide may be downloaded here. I will also have a few printed versions available.
Children are a gift from God and a blessing to be treasured (Psalm 127:3). If you are a parent, God has given you the incredible privilege and responsibility to raise your children to love and serve Him (Deuteronomy 6:4-7; Ephesians 6:4). Your own relationship with the Lord will greatly determine the spiritual influence you have on your children (Deuteronomy 6:4-6). Many parents love God and their children and want to know how to lead their children to emulate their love for God. God’s Word is the resource we need as parents to be successful in this God given mission (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
I am excited about the opportunity we have as a church to devote 12 Sunday evenings to growing in our ability to shepherd the hearts of our children to love the Lord.
- Parents, I would strongly urge and encourage you to commit to joining us during these sessions. God placed your primary disciple(s) in your home.
- Grandparents, as the Lord give you opportunity, you also play an incredible role in shepherding the hearts of your grandchildren. You will profit from this study.
- Children’s Workers at RRBC, this time will enable you to better serve the Lord as you interact with the children of our church.
Children raised to love and serve God are some of God’s richest rewards in this life! (3 John 4) Conversely those who spiritually neglect or poisoned their children with wordly philosophies will be held accountable by God (Matthew 18:6). I am excited about the potential for the glory of God represented by every child God has placed in our church!
Special missions Men’s Meeting tomorrow morning at 8:30am
We look forward to hearing a second time from a missionary who was with us previously.
Following the missions presentation we will discuss our proposed budget for this year followed by a work day. Work projects include: Running speaker wires for a new sound system, finishing back steps for deck, light yard work, etc. We look forward to a great time together!
Upcoming Events:
- Saturday 2/2 – 8:30am – Men’s Meeting with Missionary / Workday
- Sunday 2/3 – 9:25am – Sunday Classes (Adult and Children’s classes); Barley Missions presentation in the adult class.
- 10:30am – Morning Worship:
- 12:00pm – Lunch Fellowship followed by a short prayer time
- No Evening service
- Wednesday 2/6 – 6:30pm – Prayer and Bible Study
- Save the Date: March 31-April 3 – Refresh Conference with Matt Herbster
- Plan Ahead: February 10th – Shepherding a Child’s Heart series begins on Sunday evenings at 6:00pm
Prayer Requests:
- Dianne’s health
- Our nation to repent and turn to God
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to Christ
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to follow Christ
- Peace in our nation and around the world
- Our missionaries as they serve the Lord around the world
Blessed to be your Pastor!
Matthew Rowley