Dear River Reach Family,
Just as you know how we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring each one of you as a father would his own children, 12 so that you would walk in a manner worthy of the God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.” 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12
This week I came across an article that reported that six out of ten millennials experienced a “quarter life crisis.” Their life pursuits and ambitions were leaving them empty. They failed to find satisfaction in their lives and really didn’t know where to turn to find the purpose in life. We’ve all heard of “mid-life crisis”, but I’ve never heard of “quarter life crisis.” Every human being wants to live a life full of meaning and satisfaction. As we see ourselves aging rapidly and time flying by, if our pursuit of satisfaction is bound up in the things and pleasures of this life we will certainly be disappointed. Watching life fly by without finding true satisfaction will certainly create angst. God designed us to find true satisfaction not in pursuit of self, but in ministry for the glory of God. With the proper mindset we can give and serve and find great delight in the process! This Sunday we will continue listening as Paul shares his philosophy of life and ministry.
Sunday Sermon: “Developing a Ministry Mindset” – 1 Thessalonians 2:9-12
Foundations Class: Sunday @ 6:00pm
Assignment: Complete Chapter 4: “Baptism and Communion” in the Foundations book.
Current disciple making focus:
- Pray that God will lead you to one soul that you can win to Christ.
- Pray that God will lead you to one believer that you can lead to become more like Christ.
- Work on Chapter 4 of the Foundations book.
Adult Sunday Class: Finding and Knowing the Will of God
Join the adults on Sunday morning at 9:25 as Pastor Dan leads in a study in the will of God.
Prayer Requests:
- Carolyn and the boys health
- Susan’s health
- Mickey’s mother’s health
- Opportunities and boldness to make relationships to share the Gospel
- Those faithfully serving the Lord in the military
- River Reach Baptist Church to make reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ
- Our missionaries as they serve the Lord around the world
- Our nation and leaders
Upcoming Events:
- Sunday 3/18 – 9:25 – Sunday Classes (Adults and Children’s classes)
- 10:30 – Morning Worship (One Life to a Life for Life – 1 Thessalonians)
- 6:00 – Foundations Class
- Wednesday 3/21 – 6:30pm – Prayer Service and Bible Study (Triumphing in Trying Times – 1 Peter)
- Friday 3/23 – 6:00pm Ladies Night Out
- Sunday 4/1 – Easter Sunday!
Blessed to be your Pastor!
Matthew Rowley