Making reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ

The Humility of Pursuing Unity – Acts 21:17-26

Dear River Reach Family,

“Therefore do this that we tell you. We have four men who are under a vow; 24 take them and purify yourself along with them, and pay their expenses so that they may shave their heads; and all will know that there is nothing to the things which they have been told about you, but that you yourself also walk orderly, keeping the Law.

Acts 21:23-24

We live in a highly divisive time in history. Our society is divided and polarized, but so are many churches. God in His wisdom leads us through times where we as believers must analyze our circumstances and develop positions on different issues. Almost every church has had to decide how to handle Covid and the host of practical decisions that come with it. Every decision and stance creates the potential for emotional and sometimes heated tension with those who land in a different place. Political differences, cultural differences, historical perspectives all threaten to rip us apart. Thank God for the unity of Christ that is stronger than all explosive forces! Our part requires loads of humility coupled with zeal for unity. This week our passage unfolds for us Pauls long anticipated return to Jerusalem and the wide ranging reception he receives from the Jewish believers. Paul chooses to deploy humility in an attempt to gain unity with the Jewish believers.

Sermon: “The Humility of Pursuing Unity” – Acts 21:17-26

This Week’s Schedule:

  • Sunday
    • 9:25am – Adult and children’s classes (Adult class and Timothy class online as well through Sunday morning link)
    • 10:30am – Morning Worship (nursery available)
  • Wednesday: 6:30pm online only

Live Streaming Links

Zelle Online Giving available

If you would like to give an offering through an electronic means, you may now give through Zelle. You will find our church listed under the email address:

If you put in the email address correctly Zelle should recognize the recipient as “River Reach Baptist Church, Inc.” If you have any questions, please contact me.

Prayer Requests:

  • Susan’s health
  • Students starting school
  • Our state and nation as we continue to battle Covid-19
  • Our leaders to have wisdom
  • Opportunities to share Christ in these uncertain times
  • Spiritual growth and strength for each one in our church
  • Our nation to repent and turn to God
  • Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to Christ
  • Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to follow Christ
  • Our missionaries as they serve the Lord around the world

Blessed to be your Pastor!
Matthew Rowley


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