Dear River Reach Family,
Then Paul answered, “What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but even to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” 14 And since he would not be persuaded, we fell silent, remarking, “The will of the Lord be done!”
Acts 21:13-14
Have you seen dashcam video clips of semi-trucks driving along a wide open road being flipped onto their sides by strong crosswinds? The force of the wind overpowered the empty trucks and prevented them from successfully reaching their destination. Skilled truck drivers are aware of these dangers out on the road. The Lord’s will often directs us straight into severe personal danger (Acts 20:22-23; cf. Matthew 16:21; 20:28). Our natural inclination is to avoid known danger at all costs. There is a right time to prudently avoid danger! (Proverbs 27:12) But how do we respond when our Lord sends us in His will directly into personal discomfort and suffering? As we leave the Ephesian Elders behind in Miletus, Luke’s quill under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit records for us the continuation of Paul’s journey toward impending trouble in Jerusalem. Along the way we will see the grace of God sustaining Paul while pressures even from godly believers try to convince him to save his life. Will we save our life or lose if for the name of Jesus Christ?
Sermon: “The Will of the Lord be Done!” – Acts 20:36-21:14
This Week’s Schedule:
- Sunday
- 9:25am – Adult and children’s classes (Adult class and Timothy class online as well through Sunday morning link)
- 10:30am – Morning Worship (nursery available)
- Wednesday: 6:30pm online only
Live Streaming Links
- Live streaming to Zoom available for all services
- Morning Worship:
- Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study:
- Backup Plan: If Zoom goes down we will move to Google Meet:
Zelle Online Giving available
If you would like to give an offering through an electronic means, you may now give through Zelle. You will find our church listed under the email address:
If you put in the email address correctly Zelle should recognize the recipient as “River Reach Baptist Church, Inc.” If you have any questions, please contact me.
Prayer Requests:
- Susan’s health
- Our state and nation as we continue to battle Covid-19
- Our leaders to have wisdom
- Opportunities to share Christ in these uncertain times
- Spiritual growth and strength for each one in our church
- Our nation to repent and turn to God
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to Christ
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to follow Christ
- Our missionaries as they serve the Lord around the world
Blessed to be your Pastor!
Matthew Rowley