Dear River Reach Family,
They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Acts 2:42

For one of our children, doing something one time makes it a tradition that must be repeated. The church has been around for almost 2000 years. During the last two millennia, tradition and culture have drastically influenced our concept of life in the church. Our Lord created and designed His church to function in a specific way. While He did leave great latitude regarding specific details, certain key priorities and practices must be present for a church to honor its Lord. Without mentioning the word “church” Acts 2 shares with us a refreshing snapshot of the devotion and impact of the first Christian fellowship. This Sunday we will travel back to the roots of the church to realign our own personal and corporate conception of this key institution.
Sermon: “The First Christian Fellowship” – Acts 2:42-47
Men’s Meeting and Workday tomorrow @ 8:30am

Tomorrow morning we invite all men to join us for a time of fellowship, discussion, and work. Our work project will be replacing the lights under the canopy with LED can lights.
Shepherding a Child’s Heart Class Sunday @ 6:00pm

Details: Sunday evenings @ 6:00pm; All are invited to join us.
Assignment: Read Chapter 7: “Discarding Unbiblical Methods“
Class Schedule:
- Session 1: Getting to the Heart of Behavior
- Session 2: You’re in Charge
- Session 3: Your Child’s Development: Shaping Influences
- Session 4 (Ch. 3): Your Child’s Development: Godward Orientation
- Session 5: (Ch. 5 & Optional Ch. 6): Examining Your Goals
- Session 6: (Ch.7): Discarding Unbiblical Methods (4/7)
- Session 7: Embracing Biblical Methods: Communication
- Session 8: Embracing Biblical Methods: Appeal to Conscience, Life of Communication
- Session 9: Embracing Biblical Methods: Discipline Process
- Session 10: Shepherding Children: Ages 0-5
- Session 11: Shepherding Children: Ages 6-12
- Session 12: Shepherding Children: Teens
Book: Shepherding a Child’s Heart; A study guide may be downloaded here.
Upcoming Events:
- Friday 4/5 – 6:30pm – Fort Caroline Gardens Outreach
- Saturday 4/6 – 8:30am – Men’s Meeting / Workday
- Sunday 4/7 – 9:25am – Sunday Classes (Adult and Children’s classes)
- 10:30am – Morning Worship: “Acts: Your Part in God’s Plan”
- 6:00pm – Shepherding a Child’s Heart
- Wednesday 4/10 – 6:30pm – Prayer and Bible Study
- Thursday 4/18 – 6:30pm – Redemption Memorial Service
- Easter Sunday – 4/21
- Tentatively Save the Date: RRBC 10th Anniversary weekend celebration July 27-28 (If you have a schedule conflict with this weekend, please let me know. We are trying to pick the best weekend to celebrate our 10th anniversary.
Prayer Requests:
- Bob’s ministry at the flea market tomorrow
- Spiritual growth for those being discipled
- Our nation to repent and turn to God
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to Christ
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to follow Christ
- Peace in our nation and around the world
- Our missionaries as they serve the Lord around the world
Blessed to be your Pastor!
Matthew Rowley