Dear River Reach Family,
But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction, 13 and that you esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Live in peace with one another.” 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
In the first few years of our marriage, I was actively acquiring tools to enable my part-time handyman hustle. At that time, the Lord was graciously providing a steady stream of small construction jobs to pay for life and seminary bills. One evening around dinner when my parents were visiting us, I was showing off a new saw that I had just acquired. My wife interjected, “How many saws do you need!” I had a chop saw, sawzall, jig saw, a corded and a cordless circular saw, several hand saws, table saw, and possibly a few other saws. After counting my tools that included “saw” in the name we were all shocked to find I had close to 12 different saws! Each saw provides a unique contribution to the power tool repertoire. Access and skill in using the right tools enables a workman to be more efficient while at the same time enabling a better final product. In our passage for this Sunday, God’s Word highlights key aids to our spiritual growth in Christlikeness. We need to know what He has made available to us and become proficient in their use.
Sunday Sermon: “Valuing Aids to Spiritual Growth” – 1 Thessalonians 5:8-13
Lunch Fellowship this Sunday afternoon
Following the morning service we will enjoy a taco spread for lunch! Everyone is invited to stay for lunch. If you would like to bring an item for the taco meal you may sign up here.
New Members!
We are excited that the Lord has led a couple to the point where they desire to join the membership of the church! Following lunch we will have the wonderful opportunity to hear them testify of God’s grace in bringing them to salvation in Christ. After their testimonies, the current members of the church will vote to welcome them into the membership.
If you are not a member of the church but would like to take this step in God’s will, I would love to talk with you! It is our desire as a church to follow the New Testament pattern of caring for one another through membership in the local church.
No Foundations Class this Sunday
Due to the afternoon fellowship and membership testimonies, there will be no Foundations Class this Sunday. We will resume on Sunday evening 8/19. Of course you are welcome to work ahead and finish the final chapter (12) on Evangelism. We will begin discussing it on 8/19.
Prayer Requests:
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to Christ
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to follow Christ
- Fruit for Christ’s glory from VBS
- Joanna recovery from surgery
- Susan’s health
- Rutledges traveling home today
- Peace in our nation and around the world
- Opportunities and boldness to make relationships to share the Gospel
- Those faithfully serving the Lord in the military
- River Reach Baptist Church to make reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ
- Our missionaries as they serve the Lord around the world
Upcoming Events:
- Sunday 8/12 – 9:25 – Sunday Classes (Adult and Children’s classes)
- 10:30 – Morning Worship (1 Thessalonians – One Life to a Life for Life)
- 12:00pm – Lunch Fellowship / Voting on New Members following lunch
- No evening Foundations Class
- Wednesday 8/15 – 6:30pm – Prayer / Bible Study
- Friday 8/24 – 6:00pm – Ladies Night Out
Blessed to be your Pastor!
Matthew Rowley