Dear River Reach Family,
It came about when he came near to Egypt, that he said to Sarai his wife, “See now, I know that you are a beautiful woman; 12 and when the Egyptians see you, they will say, ‘This is his wife’; and they will kill me, but they will let you live. 13 “Please say that you are my sister so that it may go well with me because of you, and that I may live on account of you.” Genesis 12:11-13
Sometimes we think we are so smart. We see the problem. We come up with a solution. Yes, our solution might involve a little lie, or a “shortcut”, or forgetting certain God-given responsibilities, but no one will know. Everything is going to work great!… Until it doesn’t. And we find ourselves caught in a self-manufactured disaster. We are not alone in this mess. Many of the men and women of faith in the Bible have been duped by the same faulty thinking. What we don’t realize at the time is that we are living by human logic rather than by faith. Faith always works. Human logic, not so much. In our passage for Sunday, Abram, the believer, acts in unbelief. The good news is that God is bigger than our sin. He is so faithful that He rescues us even from our own self-destructive tendencies! Now that is an amazing God!
Sermon Title: “When God Rescues Us From Ourselves” – Genesis 12:10-20
On Mission: Keep Up the Good Work!
I have been blessed to see so many of you working to accomplish the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). You are sharing your faith, building connections with people, inviting your friends and neighbors to church, and pointing others to Jesus Christ! Christ saved us to reach beyond ourselves and share the blessings of Jesus Christ with everyone around us. (Genesis 12:2-3) I am thankful to serve the Lord on mission with you!
News Update:
On Wednesday our members voted to approve the budget for 2017.
Schedule Update for Christian Growth Seminar
To facilitate better discussion, we are changing our discussion format and chapter schedule. For this Sunday please read chapter 6 and fill out the workbook. As mentioned last Sunday, this Sunday (2/19) we will be discussing Chapter 6: “Getting in Touch with Reality”. We will discuss the lessons after we watch the video session. I look forward to our time of discussion and growth.
- Praise the Lord that Susan’s biopsy results came back benign!
- Praise the Lord for new contacts and visitors on Wednesday evening and over the last couple weeks!
Prayer Requests:
- Dennika having difficulty with her heart
- Jen’s headaches
- Emjay’s uncle with tuberculosis
- Lundy’s home to sell and deposit to be returned
- Discipleship and spiritual growth within our church
- The Lord to bless our Christian growth seminar on Sunday evenings
- Our country
- The Lord to bless our missionaries and their ministries
- The Lord to bless our services on Sunday
Upcoming Events:
- Sunday 2/19 – 6:00pm “Taking Time to Change” seminar continues
- Saturday 3/4 – 8:30am Men’s Meeting/Workday
- Changed Date: From April 2-5 to April 30-May 3 – Refresh Conference with Evangelist Mike Herbster
Blessed to serve the Lord with you!
Matthew Rowley