Making reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ

River Reach News 2/10

Dear River Reach Family,

So Abram went forth as the LORD had spoken to him; and Lot went with him. Now Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. 5 Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot his nephew, and all their possessions which they had accumulated, and the persons which they had acquired in Haran, and they set out for the land of Canaan; thus they came to the land of Canaan.” Genesis 12:4-5

New parents find great joy in welcoming a newborn child into this world.  The new life reflects the wisdom, love, and supernatural power of the Creator God.  In the joy of the moment, pictures are taken and Facebook is quickly updated with the cute but sometimes awkward pictures of a baby being introduced to a totally new and unfamiliar world!  In the joy of the moment, the beginning of life seizes our attention.  While the birth of the baby is a wonderful experience (for dads…), it is the years of life, by God’s grace, that will follow that will shape the life of that person.  The same thing is true in the life of a believer.  God brings you to faith, but that is just the beginning.  He has a plan for your life that should shape the rest of your life.  Faith is the single requirement for spiritual birth, but it is also the force that should drive every step of your journey.  This Sunday we will observe the beginning steps of faith in Abram’s life to see the parallel steps of faith God has for us.

Sermon Title: “Beginning the Journey of Faith” – Genesis 12:1-9

Faithful servants at Fort Caroline Gardens

I am thankful for the faithful people who serve the Lord by serving the widows and helpless at Fort Caroline Gardens each month!  Here are a couple pictures from this evening:

Voting on a Church Budget Wed. 2/15

This past Wednesday evening we presented the new fiscal budget for 2017.  If you were not able to be at the meeting and would like a copy of the proposed budget, please email me.  If you have any questions, Brian Tuttle (Treasurer) or I would be happy to try to answer them.  I praise the Lord for your faithful and sacrificial giving to support the work of this ministry.  We are truly blessed by God financially as well as many other areas.

Christian Growth Seminar Sunday evening @ 6:00pm

This week we will be discussing Chapter 4: “Getting in Your Place”.  I look forward to our time of discussion and growth.


  • Praise the Lord that Susan’s biopsy results came back benign!
  • Praise the Lord for new contacts and visitors on Wednesday evening and over the last couple weeks!

Prayer Requests:

  • Discipleship and spiritual growth within our church
  • The Lord to bless our Christian growth seminar on Sunday evenings
  • Our country
  • The Lord to bless our services on Sunday
  • Our city council to exalt righteousness as they consider a proposed HRO bill amendment (for more information on how to be involved in opposing this bill please click here.)

Upcoming Events:

  • Sunday 2/12 – 6:00pm “Taking Time to Change” seminar continues
  • Tuesday 2/14 – Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Changed Date: From April 2-5 to April 30-May 3 – Refresh Conference with Evangelist Mike Herbster

Blessed to serve the Lord with you!
Matthew Rowley


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