Dear River Reach Family,
“Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.
Matthew 6:9

Of all the fathers in this world, there is none as significant and influential as our heavenly Father. One of the supreme blessings of being a child of God is the invaluable relationship we enjoy with our heavenly Father. When Jesus began His earthly ministry He taught believers about their heavenly Father. While there are no specific passages that detail every characteristic of our heavenly Father, the New Testament is filled with references our Father and His identity, characteristics, and blessings bestowed on us through that our relationship with Him. This Sunday we will be rejoicing in this wonderful relationship we possess with our perfect Father! I have already been blessed compiling the references to our heavenly Father in the New Testament and can’t wait to point our thoughts and hearts to Him!
Sermon: “Rejoicing in Our Heavenly Father” – John 14:1-7
Praise: A new member!
On Wednesday evening we rejoiced to hear Shawn’s testimony of salvation and gladly welcomed him into the membership of our church. We rejoice in what God will continue to do in his life and in our church for the glory of Jesus Christ!
Wednesday Evening Prayer and Bible Study online only this week (again)
I have been blessed by our time together online on Wednesday evenings. This week and potentially for the foreseeable future due to the unique circumstances of our present reality, we will plan to meet online on Wednesday evening. Pastor Dan and I believe we have a way to help facilitate breakout prayer sessions better than our previous experiences. If you have any input on this proposal, I would love to hear your feedback. I will let you know when we have made a final decision, but for this week we will be online again.
Lord’s Supper observance this Sunday!

I’m excited to be able to celebrate the Lord’s Supper together this Father’s Day Sunday. We are blessed by Christ because the Father loved us enough to send His Son into the world to redeem us (John 3:16). In an attempt to make our celebration sanitary, we have individually wrapped and sealed elements that can be picked up before for the service on the credenza in the lobby. If you will be celebrating online with us and still need a packet, please let us know ASAP and we will do our best to get it to you.
This Week’s Schedule:
- Sunday
- 9:25am – Adult and children’s classes (Adult class and Timothy class online as well through Sunday morning link)
- 10:30am – Morning Worship (nursery available)
- 11:35am – Lord’s Supper Observance
- Wednesday: 6:30pm online only
If you have feedback on the live-stream quality, please let us know.
Live Streaming Links
- Live streaming to Zoom available for all services
- Morning Worship:
- Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study:
- Backup Plan: If Zoom goes down we will move to Google Meet:
Zelle Online Giving available
If you would like to give an offering through an electronic means, you may now give through Zelle. You will find our church listed under the email address:
If you put in the email address correctly Zelle should recognize the recipient as “River Reach Baptist Church, Inc.” If you have any questions, please contact me.
Prayer Requests:
- Carolyn and Mark recovering from a flood in their home
- Peace and justice for all in our nation
- Our leaders to have wisdom
- Opportunities to share Christ in these uncertain times
- Spiritual growth and strength for each one in our church
- Our nation to repent and turn to God
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to Christ
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to follow Christ
- Our missionaries as they serve the Lord around the world
Blessed to be your Pastor!
Matthew Rowley