Dear River Reach Family,
But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, 5 so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
Galatians 4:4-5
Christmas reminds us of God’s love for us! When we were hopelessly bound in our sin, God loved us and sent His one and only Son into the world to be our rescuer. He became a man through birth so that He could die in our place! His finished work on the cross and resurrection opened the door to the family of God for all who receive God’s perfect gift! This Sunday following the special presentation of our Christmas cantata we will rejoice in God’s love for us in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. This perfect gift is for you and me!
Sermon: “The Perfect Gift” – Galatians 4:1-7
“Christmas At Home” choir and drama presentation this Sunday at 10:00am!
We invite you to join us for our special Christmas celebration this Sunday morning at 10:00am. Through choir and drama we will observe the power of the Gospel through the Christmas story. A big thank you to all who have been working so hard to celebrate our Lord’s birth! Don’t forget the morning service starts at 10:00 this sunday!
Ladies Christmas Party Monday @ 6:00pm
All ladies are invited to a special time of fellowship decorating Christmas cookies on Monday 12/16 @ 6:00pm at the church building. We all look forward to enjoying the fruit of their labors!
Upcoming Events:
- Saturday 12/14 – 10:00am-12:00pm – Choir and Cantata practice
- Sunday 12/15 – No Sunday Classes (Adult and Children’s classes)
- 10:00am – “Christmas at Home” choir cantata presentation
- 6:00pm – “God Who Hears” – Read Chapter 10: “Loving: The Prayer for Other People”
- Monday 12/16 – 6:00pm – Ladies Christmas Party
Prayer Requests:
- Spiritual growth and strength for each one in our church
- Our nation to repent and turn to God
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to Christ
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to follow Christ
- Peace in our nation and around the world
- Our missionaries as they serve the Lord around the world
Blessed to be your Pastor!
Matthew Rowley