Dear River Reach Family,
So in the present case, I say to you, stay away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or action is of men, it will be overthrown; 39 but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God.
Acts 5:38-39

Most of our worries in life come from the sobering reality that we are limited in every way. What happens if I face an obstacle larger than my strength? Will I have enough to do what God asks of me? To ward off worries, our Lord records for us in Act 5:12-42 a wide ranging list of different ways the He empowered His weak children in the early church to bring great glory to His name. This Sunday we will meditate on these examples of Holy Spirit empowering and find great confidence to trust the Lord to empower us to success in His will.
Sermon: “Unstoppable Power in God’s Will” – Acts 5:12-39
Pizza @ the Pastor’s this Sunday after the evening session!

This Sunday evening following our “Shepherding A Child’s Heart” class, Jen and I would like to invite whoever is able to come to join us for some pizza at our home. We had a great time of fellowship last time and look forward to another great time together this Sunday evening. Pizza, drinks, and snacks will be provided. Please feel free to come and grab a quick bite of pizza and leave or stay as long as you like!
Memorial Day 5/27

We are incredibly blessed by the sacrifices of men and women who have died to earn and protect our freedoms in this nation! We enjoy religious freedom because of their great sacrifices. This Sunday we will have a memorial prayer for our nation and the loved ones left behind.
Shepherding a Child’s Heart Class Sunday @ 6:00pm

Details: Sunday evenings @ 6:00pm; All are invited to join us.
Assignment: Read Chapter 16-17: “Shepherding Children: Ages 6-12“
Class Schedule:
- Session 1: Getting to the Heart of Behavior
- Session 2: You’re in Charge
- Session 3: Your Child’s Development: Shaping Influences
- Session 4 (Ch. 3): Your Child’s Development: Godward Orientation
- Session 5: (Ch. 5 & Optional Ch. 6): Examining Your Goals
- Session 6: (Ch.7): Discarding Unbiblical Methods (4/7)
- Session 7: (Ch. 8-9) Embracing Biblical Methods: Communication
- Session 8: (Ch. 10) Embracing Biblical Methods: Appeal to Conscience, Life of Communication
- Session 9: (Ch. 11-12) Embracing Biblical Methods: Discipline Process
- Session 10: (Ch. 14-15) Shepherding Children: Ages 0-5
- Session 11: (Ch. 16-17) Shepherding Children: Ages 6-12
- Session 12: (Ch. 18-19) Shepherding Children: Teens
Book: Shepherding a Child’s Heart; A study guide may be downloaded here.
Upcoming Events:
- Sunday 5/26 – 9:25am – Sunday Classes (Adult and Children’s classes)
- 10:30am – Morning Worship: “Acts: Your Part in God’s Plan”
- 6:00pm – Shepherding a Child’s Heart
- (After Evening Service) Pizza @ the Pastor’s
- Wednesday 5/29 – 6:30pm – Prayer Time / Bible Study
- Saturday 6/1 – 8:30am – Men’s Meeting / Workday
- June 16-19 – Vacation Bible School!
- Save the Date: RRBC 10th Anniversary weekend celebration July 27-28
Prayer Requests:
- Dianne as David is in the hospital
- Emjay’s back to heal
- Bob’s ministry at the flea market tomorrow
- Spiritual growth for those being discipled
- Our nation to repent and turn to God
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to Christ
- Someone that the Lord can use you to lead to follow Christ
- Peace in our nation and around the world
- Our missionaries as they serve the Lord around the world
Blessed to be your Pastor!
Matthew Rowley