Dear River Reach Family,
Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, the God who is our salvation. Selah. 20 God is to us a God of deliverances; and to GOD the Lord belong escapes from death.” Psalm 68:19-20
It has been quite a week! Praise the Lord for bringing us through hurricane Irma safely. I know that many of us were without power and I know at least a few people are still without power! If you or someone you know needs help cleaning up after the storm please let me know. This storm provides a great opportunity for us to reach out to others with the love of Christ. Our Lord challenges us reflect His love to others through good works.
“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Help needed this Saturday morning at church for tree removal.
We thank the Lord for protecting our church building from damage! In the corner of our parking lot several trees fell requiring clean up. A big thanks to Marsell for helping clean up on Tuesday and Wednesday!
If you are able to come out and give us a hand this Saturday morning we will work to clear the rest of the trees. Josh is planning to bring his tractor to help, but there will be branches to carry to the street.
Sunday Sermon: “Finishing Full” – Genesis 25:1-11
Abraham breathed his last and died in a ripe old age, an old man and satisfied with life; and he was gathered to his people. Genesis 25:8
Everyone wants to live a full and satisfying life. We want to come to the end our days satisfied, filled, and at peace in our hearts. Today we are pursuing what we believe will most satisfy our souls. Very few people in this world are able to say on their death beds that their lives were filled with satisfaction. Most people are fighting for more time on this earth because they haven’t yet found that which satisfies the hunger of their souls. “Satisfied” was written in bold letters on Abraham’s life. He finished full! Our Savior wants everyone of us to enjoy the fullness of His blessing today and everyday till the day we die. What is the source of satisfaction? What will make your life worth living? Join us this Sunday as we answer this questions from Abraham’s life.
Please pray for the Dipietro family at the loss of Alan’s father.
Many of you remember the Dipietro family with six sharp boys. Over the years we have prayed for the salvation of Alan’s father. On Wednesday evening he entered eternity. The family is experiencing great pain and loss at this time and would covet our prayers. Praise God they were able to share the gospel with him and believe that he trusted Christ as his Savior. If you would like to send them a card, their address is: 7624 Hovering Mist Way Jacksonville, FL 32277. I will let you know the arrangements of the funeral when I hear from them. Thank God He is a comfort in our distress.
Save the Date! Fall Fun Fest – October 28th 11-2pm
Our Fall Fun Fest community outreach is right around the corner! We need your help to make this event a success for the glory of God. Due to several other activities that were scheduled for the 11/4 including the Jax Beach air show, we have decided to move the event up one week to 10/28. If you are on Facebook and are planning to come, please visit our church Facebook page and mark yourself as “going.” More details are coming soon. Please pray that the Lord will bless this effort for His glory.
Discipleship Groups this Sunday evening at 6:00pm
Men: Read Chapter 9 in “Don’t Waste Your Life” by John Piper.
Women: Complete Week 2 in the study guide. Additional books will be available on Sunday if you have not received yours yet.
Prayer Requests:
- Utility workers safety as they restore power after Hurricane Irma
- Fall Fun Fest preparations
- Salvation of friends and family members
- Gospel opportunities
- Our nation and leaders; peace
Upcoming Events:
- Saturday 9/16 – 9:00am – Tree clean up at church
- Sunday 9/17 – Regular Sunday Services (10:30am) and Sunday School (9:25am Adults, New Members, Children)
- Discipleship Groups – 6:00pm
- Wednesday 9/20 – 6:30pm – Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
- October 28th – Fall Fun Fest
Blessed to be your Pastor!
Matthew Rowley