Dear River Reach Family,
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!” Psalm 91:1-2
Due to the impending impact of Hurricane Irma, we have decided to cancel all Sunday services and weekend activities from Friday evening to Saturday night 9/10.
Part of our consideration is due to the request of the mayor that all those not in evacuations zones planning to stay through the storm be sheltered in place by Saturday evening at 8:00pm. I hope that you have been able to make plans to stay safe during the storm. If you need help preparing, please feel free to contact me at 904-629-8541. I would be glad to do what I can to assist you. If you are planning to stay in town, this would be a great opportunity to check on your neighbors especially the elderly to make sure they are ready.
I would encourage you to take the time on Sunday morning to meditate on Psalm 91 and take time to seeks the Lord’s grace and protection in personal or family prayer.
Lord willing we will see you on Wednesday evening as we have opportunity to give thanks to God for His protection.
Prayer Requests:
- Safety during Hurricane Irma
- Safe travel for those who evacuated
- Salvation of friends and family members
- Gospel opportunities
- Our nation and leaders; peace
Upcoming Events:
- Canceled: Sunday 9/10 – All Sunday Services
- Canceled: Friday 9/8 – 6:30pm – Fort Caroline Gardens Outreach
- Canceled: Saturday 9/9 – 8:30am – Men’s Meeting / Workday
- Wednesday 9/13 – 6:30pm – Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
- Sunday 9/17 – Regular Sunday Services (10:30am) and Sunday School (9:25am Adults, New Members, Children)
- Discipleship Groups – 6:00pm
- November 4th – Fall Fun Fest
Praying for the Lord’s protection!
Matthew Rowley