Dear River Reach Family,
As soon as He was approaching, near the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of the disciples began to praise God joyfully with a loud voice for all the miracles which they had seen, 38 shouting: “BLESSED IS THE KING WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD; Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” Luke 19:37-38
Celebrating the Life, Death, and Resurrection of our Savior
This next week we will be commemorating the most significant events in all of history. The Bible emphasises the life of Jesus Christ through the focal point of four Gospels. Within all four Gospels, the central focus is on the last week of Jesus life and His resurrection three days later. There is no doubt why so much attention is given to these events. They are central to our salvation and the hope that we enjoy today and for all eternity (1 Cor. 15:17; 1 Peter 1:3)! This next week we are going to give special attention to these events as a church family. I hope that you will join in the memorial and celebration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Sunday Morning 4/9: “Receiving the King” – Luke 19:28-40
For those who observed it, the cross and death of our Savior would appear to be the lowest point in human history. The Hope of all the earth hung on a cross bleeding, in agony, and dying. The agony would be so much more acute for His disciples due to the triumphal events just a few days earlier. Jesus entered Jerusalem as the promised King! Crowds welcomed Him with honor, cheers, and shouts of praise! Though Christ had warned them several times, the disciples could not fathom the stark contrast of the events that would follow in just four days! This week in our Sunday morning service we will turn our attention to the last few days of Christ’s life and examine what is required to genuinely receive the King.
Thursday Evening 4/13 @ 6:30pm: Redemption Memorial Service
When I calculate the death of Christ, it seems most likely that our Savior died to redeem us on Thursday. On this night we will remember the death of our Savior as we focus on His sacrifice for us on the cross. We will observe the Lord’s Supper at almost the same time that Jesus would have observed the Last Supper with His disciples. The tone of this service will be somber, almost like a funeral.
Note: No Wednesday evening Bible Study and Prayer service this week.
Easter Sunday Morning 4/16: Resurrection Celebration!
Praise God our Savior conquered death and rose three days later on the first day of the week just as He promised (Luke 18:32-33; cf. Matthew 28:1, 5-6)!
Easter Breakfast Celebration @ 9:30am:
What better way for believers to celebrate than through eating together! A menu sign-up sheet has been emailed by Kim.
Easter Service @ 10:30am:
We will enjoy several special elements in our celebration service included extra choir songs, and a short video presentation.
Easter Egg Hunt for children after the morning service:
All children are invited to participate in this special event to celebrate the joy that Christ’s resurrection brings. The more you meditate on Christ’s resurrection the more joy you will continue to find in Christ!
No Evening Service 4/16:
Please be praying and inviting your friends and neighbors to join with us as we celebrate these most significant events.
Special invitation cards are available in your bulletin as well as on the lobby welcome table.
We will have a special Easter Sunday outreach on Saturday, 4/15 @ 10:30am.
Taking Time to Change Group continues this Sunday evening.
Studying Chapter 12
Thank you for the surprise birthday celebration last Sunday evening!
Prayer Requests:
- Mint Magazine advertisement going out for Easter
- Dawn traveling safety
- People to invite to our special Easter service on 4/16
- The Lord to bless our missionaries and their ministries
- The Lord to bless our services on Sunday
- The Lord to provide a qualified roofing contractor at an affordable price for our church roof.
Upcoming Events:
- Sunday 4/9 – 9:30am – New Member’s Class
- Sunday 4/9 – 6:00pm – Taking Time to Change Group
- Thursday 4/13 – 6:30pm – Redemption Memorial Service
- Saturday 4/15 – 10:30am – Easter Outreach
- Sunday 4/16 – Easter Sunday!
- 9:30am – Breakfast celebration
- 10:30am – Easter Service
- 11:45am – Egg hunt
- April 30-May 3 – Refresh Conference with Evangelist Mike Herbster
Rejoicing in a risen Savior!
Matthew Rowley