Dear River Reach Family,
Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. Colossians 3:1-2
I don’t know the specific path that God led you down in 2016. I’m certain there were times of joy and sweet blessing as well as times of difficulty, pain, and sadness. God’s design in each season was to continue the process of shaping you to reflect the perfection and beauty of His Son Jesus Christ. Our own choices, commitment to growth, and focus along the path directly impact the amount of spiritual growth we enjoy. God alone knows the specifics of His plans for you in 2017, but as we enter the new year we can be certain that God is “for us” (Romans 8:31). Each day He will steadily continue His work to shape you (Ephesians 2:10). The only uncertainty in the process comes on our end. This Sunday morning we will let God’s Word remind us of the mindset we must have to grow in 2017. I hope you will join us in starting the new year on the right track!
Sermon Title: “Climbing Higher in 2017 – Colossians 3:1-4
New Years Service Schedule
New Year’s Day: One service at 10:00am (Lunch fellowship and White Elephant gift exchange to follow the morning service)
A New Sunday Evening Group Study beginning January 8th @ 6:00pm
Discipleship is more than just a buzzword. It’s every earnest Christian’s ambition, both for himself and for others. But where do you begin, and how do you proceed in the vital process of Christian growth? And especially, how do you overcome deeply ingrained habits that seem to stifle any spiritual progress? Changed Into His Image is a chart and compass that will heartily encourage Christians with its effectiveness, and pleasantly surprise them with its simplicity. Dealing with such topics as learning to exercise self-restraint, recognizing reality, walking in wisdom, and setting a godly example, Changed Into His Image has been the key for thousands of believers to unlock the mysteries of overcoming sin and fruitful living.
God’s Word has the answers to our problems. The focus of this small group study time will be on how to understand three critical elements to experience true Biblical change
- Restraining your flesh
- Renewing your mind
- Reflecting your Lord
The Speaker: Dr. Jim Berg
For over 25 years Jim Berg served as the dean of students at Bob Jones University. He has taught thousands of seminars on leadership development and biblical counseling and has authored several books on spiritual growth and biblical counseling. His real world interaction counseling college students provides deep insight into the heart of man and the power of God’s Word to transform lives.
For more information and to register, please click here.
Mint Magazine Advertisement for Jan. 2
Prayer Requests:
- Amanda and baby safe delivery!
- Our missionaries to be encouraged during the holiday season away from their loved ones
- Our country
- Susan’s continued health improvement, doctors wisdom
- Mint Magazine advertisement going into the mail beginning 1/2/17
Upcoming Events:
- Sunday 1/1 – New Year’s Day Service – 10:00am; Lunch fellowship followed by White Elephant gift exchange
- Saturday 1/7 – Men’s Meeting / Workday
- Sunday 1/8 – Resume normal service times
- Sunday 1/8 – “Taking Time to Change” conference begins at 6:00pm
Blessed to serve the Lord with you!
Matthew Rowley