Making reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ

Christmas Eve Service at 10:00am

Dear River Reach Family,

“She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” 22 Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet: 23 “BEHOLD, THE VIRGIN SHALL BE WITH CHILD AND SHALL BEAR A SON, AND THEY SHALL CALL HIS NAME IMMANUEL,” which translated means, “GOD WITH US.” Matthew 1:21-23

For the believer there is a tension in everyday life between the promises of God and the reality of what we are experiencing.  That tension could be a health battle, time crunch, relationship tension, or any number of other issues.  At this time of year we catch glimpses of the nativity scene and the Christmas story as recounted in the Gospels.  Beyond the familiarity of these accounts, God reveals to us several important lessons concerning the unfolding of His sovereign plan.  Just as the birth of Christ is the fulfillment of God’s sovereign plan, the sovereignty of God also rules in the unfolding of God’s plan for our lives.  This Christmas Eve Sunday I would like to observe several truths from Christ’s birth and early years that will also encourage us in the unfolding of God’s plan in our lives.

Sunday Sermon: “The Sovereignty of God Revealed at Christmas” – Matthew 1-2

Christmas Eve worship service this Sunday at 10:00am!


We are not planning on making a permanent schedule change, but to better accommodate holiday schedules we plan to start 30 minutes earlier at 10:00.

This Sunday 10:00am-11:15am (there will be no Sunday classes.


New Stewardship Series on Money beginning January 7th

Title: “Money: Showing Off God’s Goodness through Stewardship”

Money is an important part of our lives.  Money and possessions can be a great asset in our Christ walk as well as a great hindrance.  God’s Word teaches us much about how to view and handle the money and physical possessions He has given us.  This is a crucial topic for us in a materialistic world.

I will introduce the topic and present the first lesson during our worship service on January 7th at 10:30am.  The series will then continue during the Sunday classes hour at 9:25am for the next 6-8 weeks. Brian and Josh will be team teaching the content of the series.   Even if you don’t normally come to Sunday School, I’m sure it will be well worth your time to come 1 hour earlier for these lessons.  This series is intended to be biblical and practical at the same time.

  1. God’s Purpose for Wealth
  2. Giving
  3. The Economics of Today: Spending and Budgeting
  4. The Economics of Tomorrow: Debt and Saving
  5. Developing a Heart that Values Money Rightly

No Discipleship Groups Sunday evening at 6:00pm


No Wednesday evening prayer service this week

Prayer Requests:

  • Safety for many of our church family traveling over the holidays
  • Salvation of friends and family members
  • Gospel opportunities
  • Our missionaries to be encouraged during the Christmas season
  • Our nation and leaders, peace

Upcoming Events:

  • Sunday 12/24 – 10:00am Worship service only
    • No Sunday classes or Discipleship groups
  • Wednesday 12/27 – No Bible study and Prayer Service
  • Sunday 12/31 – 9:25 – Sunday Classes
    • 10:30 – Morning Worship
    • 12:00 – Afternoon Fellowship and White Elephant Gift Exchange
  • Sunday 1/7 – Beginning of Money Series

Blessed to be your Pastor!
Matthew Rowley


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