Making reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ

River Reach News 10/6

Dear River Reach Family,

How the faithful city has become a harlot, she who was full of justice! Righteousness once lodged in her, but now murderers. 22 Your silver has become dross, your drink diluted with water.” Isaiah 1:21-22

No relationship ever stays the same.  Relationships are constantly changing because people are constantly changing.  Friendships from school, or past employments that once were very close often drift apart due to the separation of distance and time.  Our relationship with God is constantly changing not because God changes, but because we are always changing.  Our priorities, level of commitment, desire for fellowship, life circumstances are always changing.  God designed the human heart with the ability to exercise its own will and chart its own path.  Sadly our hearts are prone to wander from the Lord (Isaiah 53:6).  Thank God that though we may wander from Him, He is still fighting to maintain a close and vibrant relationship with us.  This Sunday we will examine our inclination to wander and the love of God to draw us back.

Sunday Sermon: “Sliding Away from the Lord” – Isaiah 1:21-31

Save the Date!  Fall Fun Fest – October 28th 11-2pm

Three short weeks till it’s here!  Join us on Saturday, October 28th, from 11-2pm for our annual Fall Fun Fest. This is a perfect family outing: there will be games, food, prizes, and it’s absolutely free! Our church family is looking forward to this event and has been working hard to make Fall Fun Fest special and memorable for all who attend.

Men’s Meeting and Workday tomorrow morning @ 8:30am

Men, we are looking forward to a good time of fellowship and work for the glory of God.  Lord willing we will be installing aluminum facia along the roofline of the building.  We would love to have you join us!

Lord’s Supper Observance Sunday Morning 10/15

We look forward to remembering our Savior’s sacrifice for us.  Please take the time between now and then to search your heart and deal with any known sin.

Discipleship Groups this Sunday evening at 6:00pm

Men: Read chapter 1 in The Trellis and the Vine: This Sunday evening, we will begin discussing a new book that I think will be very helpful and practical for in empowering us as men to be disciplemakers for the Lord.  I will have a few copies of the book available on Sunday morning if you have not yet received a copy.

Women: Complete Week 4 in the study guide.  Additional books will be available on Sunday if you have not received yours yet.

Prayer Requests:

  • Aaron and Emily Thompson as they seek to schedule more meetings and continue to raise support on deputation
  • Janine as she searches for a job
  • Las Vegas and all those mourning and recovering
  • Fall Fun Fest preparations
  • Salvation of friends and family members
  • Gospel opportunities
  • Our nation and leaders; peace

Upcoming Events:

  • Saturday 10/7 – 8:30am Men’s Meeting / Workday
  • Sunday 10/7 – Regular Sunday Services (10:30am) and Sunday School (9:25am Adults, New Members, Children)
    • 6:00pm – Men’s and Women’s Discipleship Groups
  • Wednesday 10/11 – 6:30pm – Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
  • October 28th – 11-2:00pm – Fall Fun Fest

Blessed to be your Pastor!
Matthew Rowley


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