Making reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ

River Reach News 5/25

Dear River Reach Family,

And the LORD said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh, saying, ‘Shall I indeed bear a child, when I am so old?’ 14 “Is anything too difficult for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, at this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” Genesis 18:13-14

When I was in college, the teacher had a bullet-proof means of immediately sucking the feeble and flickering blessing out of an already difficult 8:00 am class. A simple, “Pull out a half sheet of paper” would immediately elicit a not so dull roar of groans across the lecture hall.  I don’t know anyone who likes pop quizzes!  Pop quizzes have the uncanny ability of determining with a very high degree of accuracy whether or not a student has read the assignment.  I still remember the consternation of marking wrong all 5 questions on my comrade’s quiz and having to return it to them after the oral grading was finished. Did you know that God is constantly evaluating our faith?  Sometimes he gives mid-term and final exams, but most of the time He is giving pop quizzes based on our response to Him in the daily grind.  In our passage this Sunday we will observe Abraham and Sarah encounter an unannounced visit from the Lord.  What will He find?

Sermon: “When God Inspects Our Faith” – Genesis 18:1-15

New Member’s Class Continues this Sunday @ 9:30

Missions Movie night at the Rowley’s house this Sunday evening 5/28

This Sunday we watch the next installment of the missions video series Dispatches from the Front entitled: “The Fourth Man.” The documentary will cover the advance of the Gospel in the Middle East.  We will begin at 6:00pm.  Everyone is invited to join us!  Sandwiches and snacks will be provided.

Calendar change: There will be no lunch fellowship or afternoon service this week.

VBS Announcement Meeting

On Sunday following the morning service, Pastor Dan will make a brief announcement to prepare us for Vacation Bible School – July 30-August 2.


Our baptism last year!

On Sunday, June 4th we will be holding a baptismal service at 1:00pm at 1610 Cellar Cir. Jacksonville, FL 32225.  We rejoice that 4 believers have expressed their desire to show their faith by following the Lord in believer’s baptism!  If you have trusted Christ, but have never been baptized, there is still time to join this group.  I would love to hear from you.

Prayer Requests:

It is absolutely essential that we pray for one another.  While it may not always be visible, many in our church are going through difficult times and need your prayer support.  God is our hope! Let’s find grace at His throne (Hebrews 4:16).

  • Bob Rutledge health
  • Susan to regain her strength while in CO
  • Douglas leg pains
  • Others in the church with unspoken requests
  • Traveling church family
  • Gospel opportunities
  • Gospel advance and Christian growth through the labor of our missionaries

Upcoming Events:

  • Sunday 5/28 – No lunch fellowship or afternoon service;
    • 6:00pm Dispatches from the Front viewing at the Rowley’s home
  • Saturday 6/3 – 8:30am Men’s Meeting / Work Day
  • Sunday 6/4 – 1:00pm Baptismal Service
  • Refresh Conference 2018 – February 4-8 with Andy Gleiser

The Lord is good!
Matthew Rowley


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