He gives strength to the weary,
And to him who lacks might He increases power.
30 Though youths grow weary and tired,
And vigorous young men stumble badly,
31 Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.
Isaiah 40:29-31
God is able to give strength to us when all our strength runs out. Even the strongest people get tired. But no matter how weak you are, anyone who “waits” or trusts in the Lord will find that He gives them strength that they do not have. Instead of quitting or crashing out, God gives strength that enables them to continue to doing His will. Sometimes it is flying like an eagle, sometimes running, and sometimes walking, but they are always able to keep doing what is right because of the strength He supplies. They key is to “wait” or trust in the Lord even when you think you can’t go another step. He gives you strength!