Making reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ

RRBC News (Page 12)

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Walking on High Places in 2019

Once again we find ourselves just hours away from a new year. From this vantage point we can look back once again and see that our heavenly Father was faithful and gracious to us once again! We shouldn’t be shocked. Our observation of His actions will always be the same because He never will never change. From this position we also look forward to a new year. A year of unknown blessings and unknown trials.

Rejoice in the Light of Christ! 12/21

It doesn’t take much to recognize that our world is broken and seemingly shrouded in darkness. This is not God’s intended design for our world or for us! He created light to shine in the darkness (Genesis 1:3). He made all things perfect and very good (Genesis 1:31). Man’s sin plunged this world into darkness, yet God’s love sent His Son Jesus Christ into this dark world to shine the light of hope for all men! (John 1:4-5).

Tell the Story! 12/14

This Sunday we will celebrate the wonderful news of Gospel revealed in the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ left the glories of heaven to take on human flesh to rescue us from sin and death! (Hebrews 2:14-15) The RRBC choir and drama team have been working hard to prepare a musical and dramatic production to help us meditate on the blessing of our Lord’s incarnation.

The Iron Furnace 11/30

Most often when we face trials we consider them to be unnecessary inconveniences or even an unfair injustice.  In God’s sovereign plan His chosen people Israel would spend 400 years as slaves in Egypt (Genesis 15:13; Acts 7:6).  Did God love His people?  Why would He allow them to be slaves for 400 years?  We would assume that such inhumane and brutal treatment would be detrimental to the Israelites!  

Show Love for Each Other 10/26

Normal greetings in my world tend to be a smile and firm handshake.  I remember the awkwardness as an early teen of the first time I was greeted with the traditional Italian kiss on the cheek.  Prepared for a nice smile and handshake, the very friendly older Italian lady ignored my extended hand, grabbed my shoulders, pulled me through the interpersonal danger zone and gave me a nice kiss on the cheek! My experience in life and society hadn’t prepared me for that moment.  I was stunned!

Merge! 10/19

Dear River Reach Family, Brethren, pray for us. 26   Greet all the brethren with a holy kiss. 27 I adjure you by the Lord to have this letter read to all the brethren.” 1 Thessalonians 5:25-27 The long awaited day arrived.  I was 16 1/2 years old.  I had taken a driver’s education class, practiced driving…