Making reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ

Bible Studies (Page 10)

A Disciple’s Choice 3/1

A federal judge ruled last Friday that the law requiring men — but not women — to register for a U.S. military draft is unconstitutional. Thankfully drafting people into military service hasn’t been necessary since 1973. Our current military is filled with those who serve our nation voluntarily. Similarly, though our Lord calls every one of us to be His witnesses, He does not force any one to serve Him.

Serving Christ with Expectation 2/22

My children and I have something fun planned for this afternoon. All day long they have been stopping by my office to ask, “When are we going?” Until 3:00pm roles around, they need to keep doing their school work! God’s grace promises a wonderful future for us! Our hearts long for the day when Christ will usher in the next phase of His glorious kingdom bringing an end to suffering and sin.